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Stockholm Stockholm Stockholm

This fulltime work is very time consuming. Actually this is the first week of a month without paid work. I’m back in Stockholm. This time last year I had just started the WIP residency. What am I doing now?
I have a show in London in September – an installation piece that I need to work towards. More details later.

The two months I had in London passed very quickly. It seems that I am finally making some progress with getting the situation with my replacement windows sorted out. An independent surveyor will inspect the pre-manufactured units and my flat and report whether the windows are suitable or not. If they are suitable they will be installed before winter. It’s good to feel that things are moving forward on that front!

I’m very excited about the show in September – it’s a great opportunity. The show will be a significant step for me … another one. It’s very good to have something to focus on, especially right now when I’m between studios, and between countries.

I’ve really enjoyed spending time in London – it’s been good to catch up with friends. Now I’m here (in Stockholm) I’m getting anxious about how it will be when I move properly. I know it will be fine and that it is the right thing to do … I know that I am already starting to see London with the rose-tinted spectacles … anxious is OK. A good friend forwarded advice she received from a friend –don’t say “frightened” say “excited”.
Yes I’m very excited about moving to Stockholm!!!