Someone said to me yesterday:

“Every time I see a dead crow now I think of you…”

I’ll see that as a compliment then.


Admittedly this has almost nothing to do with my residency which has had to be put on a back-burner whilst we lime hemp plaster our living room in a very drafty stone house. We are against the clock as we can’t heat it until the plaster is dry – takes between a week and a month….

But in an attempt to carry on working, I’ve been putting together a new website in the evenings. My old one had never been right and I’ve never been able to update it although I had put that as request number one! The new one isn’t great but I can change and update when I want.

So any thoughts please let me know…



A quick call out:

A mixed show of contemporary art work from 20 Powys artist.

The Andrew Lamont Gallery

Theatr Brycheiniog

Canol Wharf

Brecon LD3 7DS

10th September – 3rd October 2010

I will be showing three of my residue works.