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In preparation for Attempt 2 of Questing for Forest Cove, I went down to Landcove beach, from where I will be able to access Forest Cove at low tide. I hadn’t checked the tide times and so it was inaccessible at that time of day.

While I was there I played in the caves.
I took some photos on my phone, as you can see my iPhone GPS has pinned it incorrectly:

Image: Screenshot. Misplaced Landcove 50°18’49.9″N 3°37’00.1″W

I googled where my iPhone thought it was & how far off the mark it is:

Image: Screenshot. Saint-Martin-des-Champs, France. Google Maps 2020.
Image: Screenshot. Saint-Matin-des-Champs. Google Maps. 2020.

I’m finding that technology is the thing that hits me hardest with stark reminders of our immobility in lockdown. The above being an example.
Another being daily Instagram and Facebook ‘Memories’.