Viewing single post of blog Rachel Gomme – Knitted Month

Thanks, Andrew and Mette for your comments. Not sure about leaving it half-knitted – there's something maybe about completion, coming to the end of the month and the texture of the finished piece holding all the process that went into it. I've been documenting with photos every day, have some video documentation too.

It's an interesting question, whether the unravelling or the knitting is more important. I would say I want neither to be more important than the other – for me this is partly about an endless, cyclical process (or the endlessness of time), and making it last a month is more just a way of giving the piece some boundaries. (But also it's in some way about a synaesthetic way of sensing time – like the way when I was little I used to think of a day as being the size of our kitchen door.) One thing I'm interested in is whether it's possible to create an artefact that has the same kind of ephemerality as performance, an object that is always becoming. That's where the tension between leaving it finished or undoing it comes in – it could be that it ends up only existing as what it has been. One of my next projects will be something similar, but continuing until the yarn becomes completely unworkable/broken…

I've noticed today how, especially in the middle, the yarn has begun to re-spin itself, after it split – almost as if it too is self-regenerating. Something about the always-becoming object getting a life of its own?

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