I’ve spent the last few weeks collaborating with artists Amelia Critchlow, Jane Harris and Chris Cawkwell, we are in the process of setting up an artist collective, we hope to be able to secure premises and are in the midst of programming our first event. It became clear during this process just how important “colleagues”, for want of a better word, are. As an artist you are a sole trader, you are your own manufacturing, management, PR, and sales team. This is of course, absolutely exhausting.
Between us, by pooling our skills and time we achieve so much more. The best part of it is that by forming an organisation ourselves we get to work with the people we want to.
Here’s a precis of what we are up to.
“ArtLacuna is an artist collective space which aims to open up dialogues across creative disciplines, providing a resource for local professional and student communities and opportunities for the local community to access the arts in various ways. The lacuna, or lexical space, represents a gap in translation, a place where multiple meanings are applied, where meanings shift and new interpretations can be made.
ArtLacuna aims to colonise disused spaces and provide a creative hub which closes the gap between disciplines and explores the creative process as experienced by artists, designers, makers and thinkers. To this end, the project will provide working space for artists, project space for visiting artists, and forums for discussion and conversation. We believe that there is a gap where such cross disciplinary dialogues should be taking place, for the benefit of the creative industries, design community and fine artists alike.
An arts lab environment encourages experimentation and ideation, and reveals the development of concept, creating an open space for exploration without always placing emphasis on a finished piece or end.
We hope in this way to discover more about artistic and creative process, and the in-between stages of thought which lead to innovation in creative professions.
ArtLacuna locates itself in the wider community, offering workshops and exhibitions to local groups to demystify the creative process and involve local people in creative projects.”
If you are interested in following our progress or taking part in one of our events you can follow our progress at these links