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Hurrah, a studio day. Digging out my work from drawers, wardrobes and boxes, after some recent visits from family friends had temporarily turned my studio back to a spare bedroom.

Laying out archive family photographs and putting them next to my responses and interventions – re-representations, photographic journeys, re-photographs, drawings, collages, re-photographic re-stagings. It’s powerful to me to look at these things combined, mixed up. To see how I have taken my family images and ‘pressed them into service’ (from a quote by Annette Kuhn) to make and re-make meaning – fusing the autobiographical, with the found, and the fictional.

Thinking about these processes as a working model/methodology for the participatory project on family photography I’m planning – ways of working with others on their own family albums, in a shared search for new meanings and narratives.

Notes on a journey:…

“A photographic journey, May 2001, with a dear brother and a dear friend, to places of childhood significance. Homes, graves. Sad, happy. Then a trip to the seaside to have fun. Remembering, mourning, celebrating. I’ll never forget this. I continually return to these photographs, using them to make new images and narratives of me, and us.”