Well, we’ve finally settled down in our shop in St John’s Centre. Last week was extremely busy, cleaning, ironing and hanging our lovely red clothes. We did think that it might prove slightly intimidating being in the shop window amongst our red things, but actually it was quite exciting and we have definitely taken on a new persona when dressed in red and feel like we are actually on stage acting, especially when we have our music playing. When we thought about how our first week would go, we imagined that the only people who dressed in red would be our friends or family. In the event all those who where supposed to come along had valid excuses why they couldn’t dress up? The brilliant thing was we managed to inspire 13 complete strangers to engage with the red project and become our first walkers. On Saturday a lovely bloke called Danny Johnson, from Liverpool, who willingly dressed in red and was the first man to participate with his girlfriend Danni. They were both great company and have promised to come back with Ben and more of their friends from Liverpool. We hope so. Today, Monday, we have had lots of people in the shop chatting and asking about the project but never quite managed to get a willing participant. Not to worry though as at this moment the washing machine’s busy dying children’s clothes red, as a lovely family have bought clothes especially for their two gorgeous boys to wear on Saturday next, so they will be our first whole family and we can’t wait.
‘Red’ – Teresa and Dominique Hodgson-Holt, ‘In Certain Places’