Teresa here and I’ve just spent an age trying to sort my computer out and get Internet access. So, will be quick as I’ve not eaten yet and its now 8.30pm. Jake and Max, my lovely twin grandsons came to do the walk today as they can’t come on Saturday. We had a few histrionics from Jake regarding his red trousers which didn’t quite meet his approval. Otherwise all went well and we generated quite a bit of attention – Dom’s rather large and thoroughly magnificent hat and the gorgeous boys I think. Tomorrow’s the launch and we’re looking forward to seeing everyone. I’m finally going to get to wear the pride of place, red velvet creation which I’ve been secretly saving for a special occasion. Well tomorrow’s the day, so hey ho let’s hope it all goes well (and it still fits?).
‘Red’ – Teresa and Dominique Hodgson-Holt, ‘In Certain Places’