Mark Rothko, The power of art.

Simon Schama said

Rothko thought he could change the world… that art had the power to help people to recover their humanity.

“It is the poet and philosopher who provide the community of objectives in which the artist participates. Their chief preoccupation, like the artist, is the expression in concrete form of their notions of reality. Like him, they deal with the verities of time and space, life and death, and the heights of exaltation as well as the depths of despair. The preoccupation with these eternal problems creates a common ground which transcends the disparity in the means used to achieve them.”
Mark Rothko, The Artist’s Reality: Philosophies of Art


I soon hope to revisit the Rothko collection at the Tate, London.In order to see close up his application of painterly technique, and layering of colours.To experience being drawn into his transcendent works.

The spiritual dimension to Rothkos work is somthing I would like to explore in more depth, his ability to create ‘aura’ and a sense of the sublime is mesmorising, abit like watching the sun rise or set on a horizon… natures elements… Out of human control this enables a sense of perspective we are like a grain of sand, in the grander scheme of things.


Transitions… as I move on into creating visual art that is my reponse to the restoring qualities of nature, I have been reflecting on why it has been nessesary to change direction…I feel like the change of direction in my art from social issues toward connecting with the healing and tranquil aspects of nature is an externalising of an inward need to travel from a place of anguish to a place of sanctuary and repleshishment/restoration. In affect my art within this project has become a mediating (a transposing) of my emotional life into the visual, a material expresson of an inward journey.

In phsychoanalysis there is the idea that people tend to veer away from that that causes them terror or anguish and I have unwittingly experienced a taste of that, I dwelt too long in the dark traumas of war and torture and have had to turn away, withdraw, and seek rest/ refuge. By pursuing an alternative subject matter and form of expression within my art my aim and intention is that this will lead toward a form of recovery. Through my own personal journey I hope to communicate how by reconnecting with nature visual art can be a vehical for healing.

In my dissertation I touched on Golub possibly experiencing trauma concerning his works of the Vietnam series and discussed Cathy Carthew’s views that ‘traumatic experiences cannot be assimilated at the time'(of trauma). It was also documented in Echoes of the Real, 2011, London: Reaktion Books,Ltd. by John Bird, which revealed Golub’s own anguish concerning his destroying of his own art works some time after the Vietnam Series.This possibly points to his own personal anguish concerning what his work portrayed and how it had effected him.

Whilst researching I also found in the book ,Fragile Identities, similar ideas concerning trauma in which Freud also suggests, traumatic experiences not being able to be assimilated as it occurs … but “as a belated address of truth.” In the same book, a qoute by William Kentridge,”We are made the beings we are by our histories personal and collective…yet also makers of our own history…we cannot construct our utopias to a plan outside history but equally we cannot fail to dream nor can we deny our capacity to act on our world. Thus we are forced into a choice – to change the world or leave it as it is – this after all defines us as humans.” (Tom Hickley,2007,William Kentridge-Fragile Identities, pp 85- 97. University of Brighton.) This is a challenging quote for me in that I have had to withdraw at this particular time from communicating current events on social aspects of life – by using art as a vehicle…yet like other artists one is finding ways forward to express and explore ones own personal journey, whilst remaining open to what is going on in the world, whether that is through ones own visual work, or in support of social issues as a human being through alternative means.

I also mentioned in my dissertation Susan Sontags quote,’let the atrocious images haunt us.’ in Regarding the Pain of Others, 2003, New York: Farrar,Strauss, and Giroux.

In retrospect, and now having experienced degrees of distress through my research, I have come to an understanding that it is nessesary to have balance in one’s convictions.

Through my work for the degree project I hope to gain a rebalance through focusing on aspects of nature, through art in order to find a place of healing, restoration, and sanctuary.


Transitions continued…

Our human condition is such that we are forever in the situation of deciding how much attention to give to self-generated thought and how much to information from the external social or physical environment.


My pushing forward of ideas to create a sense of ambience, quietness and rest within my work has evolved with looking at past works on shoreline observations. There is a tranquillity of being part of nature it dosn’t demand of us it gives to us a sense of wholeness and peace within the business of modern life-and it is free!

I started exploring works with white paper today by using an old collograph rather than inking it up, I decided to investigate what properties I could acheive by embossing the collograph onto plain white paper,I started with cartridge paper and moved on to fabriano firstly soaking the paper in water in order to pick up the imprint of the collograph. the effect created was pleasing and I found the patterns curved lines and texture worked well, collagraphs are a medium I would like to further investigate for this project.


TRANSITIONS….a time of change from what has gone before…..

Excess generally causes a reaction, and produces a change in the opposite direction, whether it be in the seasons or individuals or governments…Plato 1

“If other people do not understand our behavior—so what? Their request that we must only do what they understand is an attempt to dictate to us. If this is being “asocial” or “irrational” in their eyes, so be it. Mostly they resent our freedom and our courage to be ourselves. We owe nobody an explanation or an accounting, as long as our acts do not hurt or infringe on them. How many lives have been ruined by this need to “explain,” which usually implies that the explanation be “understood,” i.e. approved. Let your deeds be judged, and from your deeds, your real intentions, but know that a free person owes an explanation only to himself—to his reason and his conscience—and to the few who may have a justified claim for explanation.”
Erich Fromm, The Art of Being

“Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties.”
Erich Fromm

” There are times when you loose your narrative or get tired of it – it takes a while to figure out what the new one is.” Kim Gordon ..The Guardian.

Researching new ideas…..

Having spoken to tutor, Sarah about my transition from one project into another we disscussed ideas concerning shoreline as sanctuary and observations,what one could explore concerning aspects of shoreline.

Sarah suggested I research Claude Monet’s, paintings of Waterlillies, he donated to the French nation as a gift to bring healing after WW1.

words such as










I have also started researching Alain De Botton – Philosopher who looks into how “Art holds the promise of inner wholeness.”Botton has written the book ‘Art as Therapy.’ Botton says, “Art is a vehicle through which to recover,hope, dignify suffering, develop empathy, laugh and wonder” Alain de Botton .


Plato quote excess


http://www.a-n.co.“Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties.”
Erich Frommuk/artists_talking/projects/addPost/4246716

Great art picks up where nature ends.” Marc Chagall


Erich Fromm.