“To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong.” — Joseph Chilton Pierce Quotes


“When we engage in what we are naturally suited to do, our work takes on the quality of play and it is play that stimulates creativity.” – Linda Naiman

new ideas… exploration of photo images and drawings based around shoreline ideas investigation for incorporating into photoshop.


Exploring to find a way

It is better to have enough ideas for some of them to be wrong, than to be always right by having no ideas at all.” — Edward de Bono.

“If you never change your mind why have one?” – Edward de Bono. (Ref end of blog)

Exploring with photoshop…looking at the effects on recent work with photo negative material in the white installation space, experimenting with some possibilities – a move toward abstract form?.

Doing this blog has become like a mirror it reveals our internal by making it external therefore visible…like looking into a mirror it is exposing …it exposes the flaws in ones understanding as well as enhancing the qualities of what one attempts to convey through art.

It enables another perspective.

Through the blog one becomes doubly aware it is also seen …

Whether you succeed or not is irrelevant, there is no such thing. Making your unknown known is the important thing.” Georgia O’Keeffe.




“One cannot be deeply responsive to the world without being saddened very often.” ― Erich Fromm

Time is moving on… words and phrases that spring to mind…


defining moment’s, significance,

ethics, morality, motives, right,

wrong, understanding,


clarity, realisation, resolve,

meaning, purpose, unqualified,

open, challenge, sustainable,

unsustainable, untenable, from


learn, grow, change.

“For every challenge encountered there is opportunity for growth.” – Unknown.

Plans for my final project are no longer tenable, I cannot justify dealing with the subject matter derived from current issues, there has for some time been an ongoing exhaustion.

Researching avenues on how to communicate visualy via aesthetics of form, colour, abstract is untenable – the abstracting of suffering in order to get a ‘point’ across has made me question its ethical implicantions. Whilst dealing head on as Golub did is equally challenging.

I am reminded of T.J.Clarks observation, “Abstract painting intended to set the world aside.”in (Bird, Echoes of the real,2011, p23).

Having lived and breathed my dissertation for months with the intention that I would be able to create work informed and influenced by the work of artists Leon Golub and Martha Rosler I now feel I may need to change direction.

Along with investigating,learning and coming to an understanding about what art with social meaning is and also gaining a level of insight and understanding concerning institutes of state, corporate, and mass media portrayal of events through Dora Apels insightful book ‘War Culture and the Contest of Images‘, I’ve realised its no longer an option to continue in a similar vein, the main factor was having to consider the personal effect that dealing with similar current issues was having, and that it is no longer, at this time, appropriate for my work to deal with similar issues through art.

Having learned from, reflected and confronted the issues it is time to stand back and take stock, find a way forward into what is sustainable for me to deal with in the work.

“When you get to the end of you’re rope tie a knot and hang on.” F. Roosevelt.

Reflecting back to move forward.

Art has been a way of creativity, its those fullfilling moments and experiences of being in the zone and being passionate about expressing something, the impact, the response, the representation of the visual form.

Over the last few projects that focus has explored various social issues and mass media portrayals.

Having an interest in figurative work using various mediums such as drawing,acrylic paint, mixed media collage, photoshop,and print techniques, I have now decided to change direction and incorporate these skills, techniques and mediums to investigate a personal re-connection with nature, based on my reponse to the shoreline.

Having spent my all my childhood growing up in the north west on the coast of the Irish Sea there is a sense of comfort and the familiar. I intend to revisit the shoreline reflecting and using photographs as primary source to rediscover its elements. By using observational skills I intend to respond to and explore the aspects of the shoreline that I find inspiring with the intention to create works that will be uplifting, contemplative, and inspirational.

In a world of madness, pressure, and busyiness, nature draws us back to take stock and contemplate its wonders.To seek solace and sanctuary.

If I create from the heart, nearly everything works; if from the head, almost nothing.” Marc Chagall


http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/103561-one-cannot-be-deeply-responsive-to-the-world-without-being Eric fromm.