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Keep moving…

Today was a continuation and a pushing forward into exploring new ideas after renewing my last studio work space yesterday… feeling at a loss..so time to look at a different perspective… Not sure where it will take me I am hoping through the exploration and constructing of form to get inspired !! By looking at a more abstract form, having aquired interesting waste material from a photo machine with the faint echoes /imprints of images from peoples everyday lives on the waste material itself….As can be seen from the last post I started to explore angle, shapes and colours how they interacted, when I placed the material in certain postions in my studio, having hired the white space felt it time for a new large scale experiment yet as can be seen from the photo with myself next to the experiment this was quiet physical… the work itself reminded me of “barriers,” having the images on the material alerted me to the political and economic structures that, although for the most part are not perceived do shape, constrain and dictate our choices and the shaping of our social lives. We imagine we live in a free society but that freedom is exercised within very limited parameters that are constucted by one dimensional systems, and social norms. This socialisation enables the structural powers in society to control.. from a distance as we subconsciously internalise … ( this was something that Foucault had theorised over concerning prisons, schools etc)… and perform that make us conform to certain structures this reminds me of Herbert Marcuse’s words,”One dimensional thought is systematically promoted by the makers of politics and their purveyors of mass information ,their universe of discourse populated by self validating hypotheses which(when) incesantly and monopolistically repeated become definitions of dictations.” Herbert Marcuse 1991,p14 One Dimensional man . London:Routledge.