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Today I have been researching colour theory by Edith Anderson Feisner… with the intention of exploring on a deeper level colours that evoke luminosity, I will also start to investigate a deeper exploration of how colour creates a certain mood this is somthing I have looked at in relation to ideas about creating works that communicate ambience, calm, and tranquility in order to create moments of reflection …..”To stand and stare” as William Davis encourages in his poem…

To explore in order to emphasis the roles certain colours play in drawing attention.

Focal points to consider and explore.. based on Edith Anderson Feisners writings on colour and composition.

Sun setting… size of sun in comparison to composition as a whole eg Monets, le Soleil dans le Brouillard 1904. the sun is tiny in comparison to the whole, yet its intensity draws our eyes to it as a focal point along with the sun’s reflection in the water-see image.Also Monet creates and captures Luminosity within the work.Becoming aware of size within the composition has alerted me to consider my own work in which the sun dominates in size …i need to evaluate….now realising that colour can determine compositions focal point need to re-evaluate this.

horizon intensity of colour conveys action so calmness of colour conveys rest/reflection

space adds to the awe and also enables an immersion into the work(such as eg Monets Waterlillies)

contrast of colours that draw attention …colour is seen before form is encountered.

Hues the more intensity heightens the impact.

Light and darkness of colours also create impact the wider the contrast the greater the impact ….Edith Anderson Feisner, 2006,UK. London.Laurence King Publishing Limted

Also researching artists whose works evoke certain atmospheres enables me to consider what effects I am trying to convey in my work for example Picasso’s The Old Guitarist 1903 is somber due to the hues and shades of green

I am particularly drawn to Odilon Redons work Golden Cell (Blue Profile) 1892 the blues hint of greens and golds used here capture a serenity calm and peace.