Viewing single post of blog Reflections : Final student project

Today spent time organising my sketch books and putting files in order in preparation for the degree show, I am feeling optimistically prepared so in a good place… even explored further new ideas for the ‘Mediated’ Installation… looking at Guy de Bourds work I have further considered the book society of the spectacle and have been thinking about getting some 3d glasses this ties in with the image on front of his book as a group viewers are entranced by what they are watching…

Still have time to research further Richard longs work based around nature.feel I have time to refine and explore. The area that holds the most concern is the paintings I feel I have researched and experimented with colour well in the time I have had to do this project its a matter of keeping on painting and editing these works and improving on techniques.The folder and sketch books produced in conjunction with painting techinques application of layering paint and editing down colours and washes such as colbalt blue, ultramarine, redoxide, burnt umber,translucent perimone, and vermilion are colours that have an essential role within the seascapes being worked on.

Richard long says…

I like the fact that every stone is different, one from another, in the same way all fingerprints, or snowflakes (or places) are unique, so no two circles can be alike. In the landscape works, the stones are of the place and remain there.