Viewing single post of blog Reflections : Final student project

Today in my new alloted studio space which will be the degree show space I am working on a 6ft x 3ft canvas the largest scale I have worked with so far It may become a final piece of work.

As with previous recent works I continue to focus on a layering of colbalt blue mixed with a hint of redoxide brown washes, working from very pale and building up layer upon layer, I have become more attuned and aware of the dry or dampness of the canvas this is essential in getting the right sort of texture to appear… either a slight hard edge onto dry or softer edged which is created by applying the paint onto a damp layer.

I started with the sky, working paint onto damp gesso’d canvas, I then focussed on the horizon,using Vermilion a (salmon orange ) this wash was applied extremely thinnly because the quality of the acrylic is good it has a pleasing effect even when a thin wash.Images to be added.

I am also aware of the ratios of the horizons on the works as each work will have to compliment the other possibly two or three works is what I aim to put into the show.I am thinking about a diyptic work. As the space allotted is large enough to carry this off.