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The hands relationship to the mouth, is a mutual interest to Kaye and myself. For awhile now we have had many conversations about the hands’ connection to our mouth, so it feels very natural to play with this notion.

We have been reading ‘The futurist cook book’ Filippo Tommaso Marinetti:

and developing the culinary cocktails with Rob Wood from our glass prototypes and of course trying them out, a very pleasurable task!

Sartre writes in ‘Being and Nothingness’ that “Each attribute reveals the being’ of the object” With this in mind, we are constructing the flavours and textures for each object. As well as considering the combination of object, content and user.

Our research and it’s developments has inspired me to re-visit ‘The World Of Perception’ where Maurice Merleau-Ponty argues that “The unity of the object does not lie behind it’s qualities, but is reaffirmed by each of them: each of it’s qualities is the whole.”  This way of thinking and engaging with objects, seems very fitting at the moment.