What’s Anish Kapoor got to do with my life you may think.
Nothing … and a lot actually.

I went to see his exhibition ‘Monadic Singularity’ at Liverpool Cathedral last week.  Consisting of several sculptures , 2 ‘paintings’ ( which I didn’t like) and the massive structure , which really only could have been shown in a building as large as the Cathedral. Absolutely fabulous to see it all .

While in the cathedral , I met a friend and fellow artist -Christine O’Reilly Wilson , who I hadn’t seen for such a long time . We had a really nice chat and it got me reminiscing over a few things.

We exhibited together in a group show (4 of us) is 2010. An incredible 14 years ago.
I blogged about it on here, but I hadn’t looked back on anything I’d written until this morning.

Fourteen years of blogging on here. Crikey.

I seemed so full of hope and enthusiasm in those early days .

I’ve ‘restarted’ so many times in those 14 years.  I’d start a blog, then life will take over and I won’t have time or the inclination to carry on.
Then I’d start again with another blog, new title , new optimism… rinse and repeat.

I think this week, I’ll re-read all of my blogs from the start and find out what the trigger point was for giving in and starting again.

Im pretty sure I’m not the only one after seeing all the ‘restart and new beginnings’ blogs on here.


I’ve just sent off a reminder to the museum about the invoice I sent to them on 26 June  for my workshop .

I have done several workshops for them before and have more in the pipeline, and as I haven’t had any payment problems before, my email was quite polite.

Two months wait though – that’s ridiculous isn’t it?

If anyone has had similar problems with payments or can offer any advice , please let me know.

Update.  The payment has now gone through . Phew. Panic over.  

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