I had an email off Elena Thomas the other day regarding comments on all of our blog posts.  Not realising they are there that is.  I hope that now that Elena has intervened and queried the problem, the matter will be sorted.

Anyway… it prompted me to log back into a-n as I’d been taking a break from it.
I don’t mean that I wasn’t interested in what people were talking about , I just had other things to occupy me.

By that , I mean that I’ve been in a lot of pain.  My hip joint has deteriorated.

I knew it was starting to fail last year, so I crammed in as many trips , exhibitions and social events as I could , while I knew I was able to.

I’ve been here before, so I know the stages, I know how long I’ve got left before I can’t walk even a short distance without doubling up in pain.

Don’t even get me started on what it feels like to go upstairs ( yes, I feel for you Elena!)

Because of that, I’ve  had to prioritise my activities. I’ve seen as many exhibitions as I physically could and I’ve met up with friends ….  while my own work has taken a back step .

I’ve cancelled workshops and taking part in group exhibitions. I wanted to take part, or at least visit friends who are exhibiting at Platforms project in Athens again , but I just can’t .  I know that I’ll be stuck inside for a bit so I can catch up later.

I’m sure if anyone is reading this, they won’t be interested in hospital procedures, so skip this bit if you want …

At the end of July I saw my GP, who promptly sent me for an X-ray , which confirmed severe osteoarthritis in my hip. Shortly afterwards I received a letter asking to choose a hospital for my treatment ( yep, it’s that quick here!)  I chose one that had the shortest referral time and had the highest rating .  I had an appointment at the said hospital and was told I was fit for surgery.
They gave me a date – 13th November and asked if I wanted to go on the cancellation list. I said yes. Consequently, my date was moved forward to 25th October.
My pre op assessment is this Friday . If all goes well – I don’t suddenly develop high blood pressure or have any other infections or whatever that I don’t know about , I’ll go in next week.

I want to work again, but my mind just isn’t in it. My aim at the moment is to just get through each day .


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