Well, ‘bouncing’ probably isn’t the right word, but I’ve got heaps more energy .

I recovered from my op really quickly and I was back on my feet ( literally) within 4 weeks and itching to get back into the world.

I’d like to say that I threw myself back into work and started planning for the new year, but only half of that was true.  After weeks of a semi solitary life, reading and watching tv, my priority was getting out and mixing with people again.

I got my social life back .

It’s easy to forget how important proper conversations are and how they seem to add a spark to your brain to get the thinking process going again.

It also helped getting back to walking . I felt human again.

In between eating out, Christmas marketing and a theatre trip, I’ve seen one exhibition : Conversations  I’m not sure it inspired me , but it got me thinking and it always helps to see what others are doing .

Photo one : Fire Brigade. Lubaina Himid

Photo two : Stitching Souls is an installation by British Trinidadian artist Karen McLean (born 1959). It comprises of 132 heads created with authentic African fabrics using traditional quilting techniques