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Last week, I went back to Chester Cathedral for the first time since I did my installation there.
I love the way these massive spaces show larger artworks and because of this I had Chester , plus Liverpool Cathedral  ( showing Anish Kapoor) on my list for the summer.

Chester was showing two installations by Liz West.  I used to read about West all the time – whether it was on here (a-n) or on many social media outlets , but then all seemed to go quiet.
I assumed then that she had decided to call it a day. Life is hard for artists and all that.

It was only afterwards that I looked up her back history. She hadn’t been idle at all but was working on international commissions.
Of course I’d seen the rainbow installation outside Paddington  station , I’d walked past it often enough …. and of course I’d walked under the triangular structure at Salford Quays. Both in places where I’d be passing through , not lingering. But why oh why didn’t it twig who had made it?

I feel so annoyed with myself for just dismissing these public sculptures, thinking that they had been made by some architect / town planner to brighten a space up.
I should know better.

It pulled up the question for me then – should we keep shouting about our work to make sure people know who we are ?  Or just sit back and enjoy what we do, not caring what others think ?

This afternoon, I have to pick up my work from The Liverpool Art Fair . I didn’t think it would sell as they were probably too expensive. The Art Fair take a whopping 50% commission so everyone had to double their prices.

I was supposed to go yesterday , but I felt really ill. I’d been to a baby shower on Sunday afternoon and I had a burning headache and streaming eyes then. I just put it down to hay fever though.
When I got home though , I was shivering so went to bed early. I slept most of yesterday, waking to ring up asking if I could delay picking up my work.
Thankfully they’ve given me another day, so I’ll drag myself across later.

I so wish I had a manager to do these things 🫤

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