Viewing single post of blog Re:view – Boxing the Chimera:

Soon after getting the a_n Re:view bursary, I was successful in a bid for an Arts Council Wales research and development grant for a project called Boxing the Chimera. I was excited that the two would run concurrently, giving a really clear focus to discussions with a mentor in reviewing my practice and the way I present it.

This blog will run in tandem with boxingthechimera.blogspot.co.uk in which I try to capture something of my artistic reflections in a slightly more visual way. Here I can record more practical, factual elements.

So firstly, many thanks to a_n for the bursary: although it has taken me some time to start blogging, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking.

Thanks too to Rebecca Spooner, who agreed to be my mentor in the re:view process. We have already met several times and I’m feeling the effect of her sensitive but thought provoking challenges.