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Yes!! It’s happened! It’s all over bar the documentation … after Xmas life will be back to normal:

The children no longer have to squash into bed between a fire sculpture on one side and a box of fuses, explosive ingredients, rope and chicken-wire on the other. They are mightily pleased!

I can go back to running my business during the hours of daylight, rather than madly trying to fit all the event preparation into the short winter days.

I can take some luxurious time to practice music, and return once more to the delightful company of the Oxford Improvisers.

Broadly, I would rate the event as successful. Only one invitee refused to come on account of the invite being too disrespectful to his spiritual beliefs. Only two people walked out offended. About 30 people attended, not as many as I’d hoped, but more than I’d feared!

The content was more challenging, more political, and more self-consciously contemporary than my previous events. Hitherto I have largely kept to themes of commonality, inclusion and unity.

Although I still addressed traditional spiritual and personal themes, the incorporation of a genetically engineered female baby into the nativity play, and a dance led by “Lady Gaga” (aka my friend Cass) to “Born this Way”, took the event some distance away from New Age traditions, and more towards the agitprop of Welfare State International.

The remnants of the fire sculpture itself occupy an awkward gap between Sacred Object and formal artefact. It is a genuine outsider, having neither a sacred temple in which to be housed, nor a formal outcome such as Susan Hiller’s relics. It will simply fall to pieces and be forgotten.

Technically, enough things went wrong for me to learn useful stuff for the future, but enough still went right for people to really enjoy it.

The nipples were a bit disappointing. Watch the video carefully and you’ll see them glowing, but only for a few precious moments.

Below is the first video that I’ve managed to get uploaded. Other stills and videos to be published in the New Year, after the ordeal of Xmas.

Here is a link to more video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNmBtcihyWE&feature=email

Happy Christmas everyone.

She has a little pocket on her belly into which folks posted their New Year hopes, wishes, resolutions, etc. for transformation into ethereal energies