Here is a sneak preview of my work that was published in ‘Art Ascent’s’ magazine  before ive brought a copy of it… This time its glass and ceramics work that’s has been selected – which I entered under the theme ‘Magnificence.’ Below I’ve included my artist statement – in which I speak of the materials and the process/ techniques use, and how these pieces fit into the theme…. … When creating these pieces I researched relics and spirituality – I was interested in forming subtle, intimate shrines dedicated to people (including my ancestors, family, friends and the unknown). I wished to create potent, yet beautiful work to represent them.
To do this I decided to use glass and ceramics to produce a hoard of unique and fascinating pieces – as these two materials combine to form some striking effects – including the crazing and cracking of the glass (caused because of the different shrinkage rates of the materials when they are fired). As well as this glass is highly reflective and catches the light – giving it a precious quality; in particular the dichroic glass I have used in the pieces shown is even more eye catching, as depending on the lighting conditions it changes colour – which gives a special, quite magical feel to it.
The glass in these pieces is a rainbow of colours; there are tints of red, yellow, purple…quite a kaleidoscope; which in my view makes it seem all the more magnificence – providing such a multitude of colours for your eyes to take in.Within these works I am striving towards creating something sublime – attempting to reach something spiritual and other worldly through what I create. I wish these pieces to be raw and have a resonating impact on viewers – enabling them to feel some connection with my work and the essence of who we are as human beings.