I would urge all students, like myself, to try to use tutorials and advising as a very positive experience, even though some readings of work could be regarded as negative. This is a chance for a more experienced artist to share their working practice and techniques with you and to focus your attention onto elements that you may miss. I try to use this opportunity frequently as one to reflect on issues regarding my work, even though they can be emotionally draining.

One issue that came up and until it was pointed out by Mary, I hadn’t really noticed. In general we discussed my use of a heavily reduced palette with regards to image and sound. With this technique, how can I push the edge of discomfort and recognition to reduced levels, by subtracting either video or audio content?….and adding mystery….

Repetition of a childhood game, gradually becoming barbaric with no winners. The withholding of information plays with de-contextualising progression and expectation.