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i migrate to the laptop as work becomes painfully slow due to a feeling related to simply being tired.  am i trying to run before i walk in this new year ?

i’ve been thinking about what’s to come this year and what i carve out for myself through enquiry and realisation based upon.

there’s also the questions left for me to respond in connection with the second tranche of the non linear film for the silk mill museum.  it’s nearly complete and on my lsit of things to do in january along with bringing the accompanying blog up to date.

i stop and reflect for a moment.

i’m experiencing the beginnings … lots of ideas and wants to do while still getting to know where everything is.  i might be in a familiar built environment yet i’ve set for myself the boundary of something new and exciting and i’m feeling that feeling one gets when starting a new job / residency or commission.

only one thing for it…. explore, be curious and play.