It has been a while since I blogged. Life has been in flux and at busy times it is hard to make time to gather thoughts into written words.
Things are settling and I have had time to make work and review some of my previous work. I have been photographing some recent work and some older artwork to review my portfolio. There is nothing like someone asking to see a portfolio of your work to make you get your act together to review work and pull it together in a coherent and presentable form.
It is such a useful process. I have found it interesting photographing work and have blogged about that process on…
I am enjoying the decision process of presenting work and how choices are made sometimes depending on who I am presenting work to and for what reason. The work is the same – it exists in its solid state as a painting or drawing. But how it is presented changes its meaning and context so much.
I am looking forward to an opportunity that I have later in the summer to show a lot of my work together in one space. It is rare that artist have this opportunity given to them. For me I think it is integral to a practice to be able to put up a series of work to enable it to create a dialogue or narrative. I am beginning to understand that my current practice isn’t just about producing single pieces of work but it is how these individual pieces work together to raise questions over painting, drawing and methods of display.
For this reason I have stalled on applying to many of the open calls this year. I have felt that sending in 1 or 2 jpgs of my work isn’t sufficient to capture where my practice is. For example this year I have moved between painting birds and then into abstract shapes – individually these works may not make sense but when they start working as whole the links become visible and an interesting dialogue emerges.
Maybe once I have the opportunity to view my work together in a public space I can then capture the work in a jpg and send it out there. In the meantime I attached an image from the current portfolio.