A project that envolves creating an art work every day for 365 consecutive days


All I want is instant gratification.

I always seem to be catching my tail.

Surely its not too much too ask for;

I would like a girlfriend, or two;

To travel the world on my motorbike;

And to build an eco home;

To have an airport hanger for a studio and;

To know how to easily upload pic to this site, I.e.

A program that can put my pics in the right size format easily, as there was no offers of help from my last blog, I will assume that either you also have no idea or that I have no followers reading, there is some comfort to be taken from the thought that I am talking to myself….night peeps


Why I do all my most personal healing on a full moon eclipse ill never know.

So here we go

Another pic for you all to enjoy

These pics I did a few days ago however I realise its going to be very hard to consistently draw a picture every day, the one in the video was very short compared to the usual 2-3 hours it takes me to do one.

There is a lot involve in psychologically preparing for a project like this, my biggest unanswered question is how I manage going away? When do I start? Is secondary and the answer depends on the first q.

Another problem is that uploading them to this site is hard as they are always too big, I have a Samsung Galaxy note phone and its just how it formats the pictures. Either I have to struggle converting them every time or just post a different pic, 1, in 30 it accepts, any ideas peeps?


this is my attempt to add a vid of myself in action.



well i did it i did it. OK itwasnt the best video, but it made some of you laugh right?

it is a record of how i draw a picture, in real time.

every day i set myself another technology challenge, unfortunately i just missed out on the computer generation so i have taught myself everything and learning the meaning of social networking has required me to spend hours a day linking and updating them in order to create a public art profile, a necessary part of being an artist I’m told. yesterday i also discovered the hashtag. #gathsah, #orayaart, #Oraya’sArt

oraya in action #orayaart, #oraya


good morning.

the blossom is exquiste, i picked a huge bunch and the fragrance drifts through my kitchen.

stuggling to find images that fit the requirements but im goning on. so here is another image for the day.


I am attempting to upload my fist immage to this blogspot.

! have so many new project ideas that I have been considering, inspired, just wish there was more hours in the day.