Just back from the Swedish exchange in Gotland. Amazing. We were treated like celebrities with full page coverage in 2 Gotland papers. http://www.helagotland.se/noje/default.aspx?articleid=7065635 The turnout for the preview was great and people were really interested in the work and the studios. A celebratory meal in the local bar capped a fine day. Every day was a fine day – Watching the sunset over the Baltic from a third floor terrace of our hosts in Visby was truly beautiful. We crossed the water to Bergman country which is only a skip from Gotland. The meal at SeaView was a memorable evening where we cooked our own steak on hot slabs. … and the 7 minute Visby Pils is definitely worth waiting for… A magical time!
Setting up 18 studios, Long Eaton, Nottingham
Projects unedited blog by Jackie Berridge