Viewing single post of blog Setting up 18 studios, Long Eaton, Nottingham

We have a raft of professionals who have written witness statements of truth for our case. They include people qualified in buildings and planning as well as experienced professionals involved in the arts. Our ducks have been lined up since the deadline at the end of November, but once again the other side are not in a position to exchange documents. Another missed deadlne. Meanwhile we still party! I went to the EMVAN celebration last Wednesday iat the new Primary Studios based in Nottingham. It was formerly the Douglas Primary school. I bumped into the last head teacher at the school (who happens to be an old school friend) today at the supermarket. Jane-Belinda was really delighted it was being used for something creative. Seventeen of us will be meeting for the HMS Chrsitmas lunch tomorrow. In between my dog being groomed and meeting up with my sister to exchange pressies. Wednesday is the Backlit party and we are also preparing for the SOS party which is timed just after Christmas.