Viewing single post of blog Setting up 18 studios, Long Eaton, Nottingham

Andy Beale manufacturers lace on the floor above. He makes miles of narrow gauge lace and knicker elastic. Wall-to-wall machinery. I mention this because we got a good deal on the property as he also creates decibels. The noise varies depending on what machine is being used. It rotates around the studios – from a soft purr in the vacinity of the loos to the bone-shaking heavy metal above my space, Fortunately the latter is infrequent and I've only witnessed it half a dozen times since moving in last year.

When Andy is busy he tends to use the monster machines in the early hours because all these decibels require maxi kilawatts of energy which is cheaper before 7am.
Generally though, it compares with noise from air con units and sounds almost womb-like.
Anyway, the noise was enough to put off most punters when it was on the market… but not artists. Excepting the occasional thrashing machine, the space offers great accomodation. I do warn artists who look round (especially at the weekend) but it hasn't put anyone off, and no one has left. I've brought this up because I am regularly asked why the space is affordable.

We will be covering a yard and a half of agenda tomorrow when four of us will be discussing the framework for Standing Room. Kat has done loads of research into different structures which will be good for funding. We don't think we will be able to cover everything in one session, but it will be a good start. I'm the secretary which I find a bit scary.

We have sorted out a date for Sarah Key's PV and she is also giving a talk.
See www.harringtonmillstudios.co.uk for details