We had a meeting about the open studios. Despite being peak holiday time we had enough artists to make it worthwhile. It went really well and there were lots of studio members volunteering to do admin and marketing. I've been rubbish at delegating, partly because I haven't had the time to organise stuff to hand over. Anyway, Dee is experienced at committees and is opening a bank account – I'm not even going to be a signatory :)
Sarah is organising the food which she did brilliantly last year. Someone is sorting the media mailing list and I'm going to create a design for the invite.
WLTM is really gripping. Anna is posting the stats on her blog http://www.wltm-hms.blogspot.com/ I am looking forward to seing the invites which I think should be ready tomorrow.
Progress at home – the window has arrived and will be fitted by Friday. The pipes still leak though, and access upstairs is still by ladder.