Viewing single post of blog Setting up 18 studios, Long Eaton, Nottingham

I'm worried. I have become disconnected from my own practice and I'm bothered that HMS will disappear off the radar. Mum has deteriorated rapidly this week and I need to support her.

We have two industrial heaters at the studio which are maintained by the Factory Company. One of them hasn't been working properly since Dec when I reported the problem. Fortunately the artists have been patient, but we could have done without it.

A group of HMS artists are taking part in a Derbyshire wide open studios in May. It means the Erewash will be represented this year. Whilst I'm not taking part it is nice for others to take the initiative.

Harrington Mill Studio Group bank account has also been set up and I won't even be a signatory. This is healthy and the first step to forming a charity or a CIC.

Perhaps I'm not as worried after all :)