Viewing single post of blog Setting up 18 studios, Long Eaton, Nottingham

Theft of a cable delayed the train home last night. I had been in London, along with most of the Southwell Artists, to collect our runners up certificate for our Big Draw event at the Minster last October. Amongst the images projected on a big screen was the colourful Noah’s Ark which Heather and I had created – adorned with creatures and butterflies. We had a nice meal in a Thai restaurant afterwards (which was v reasonably priced). Another enquiry about setting up the studios and I realised an important factor about HMS – we have made the spaces as cost effective as possible because we haven’t spent money on upgrading the property unecessarily. Everything is quite basic. We don’t have sinks in every space, the floors aren’t perfect and the lighting is only strip lights (though we do have huge windows). However, the chipboard walls allow for drilling, painting, sticking, and screwing. The floors will take a splash of paint. Most Important – the spaces are affordablle.