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(post by Joseph)

My first writing stint of the residency… This afternoon we went on a test recording and flower-spotting trip to Vementry and a small creek at the end of road in front of a solitary holiday cottage. The bird song was incredible in this open and echoing space, with the local bird population putting on a special show for us; which was probably their way of warning us off their territory. Whatever the cause, I had a blissful hour or more recording various species flying overhead, whilst Kay went off with her phone (our DSLR had run out of battery) to capture some more stunning images, which to be honest is not difficult. Everywhere you look on these islands provides you with yet another gorgeous photo opportunity!

The day had begun with a visit to Shetland Museum to look at Da Gadderie again, where we will be having our exhibition, measuring out the space and talking through the various design options of how we might install our work. It’s a big space as you can see and we are looking to create an immersive environment with minimal resources. We have some preliminary sketches now which can form the basis of conversations with the gallery later in the month.

Tomorrow morning I will get around to editing some of the sound clips, so that I can post them on Soundcloud and link to them here. Stay tuned…