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The Meeting: continued….

This project just goes on and on….

I can’t stop messing around with everything! I’ve printed off the series of original photos in black and white, (16) and I’m about to get on with applying the fluorescent strip on top. It will cover the participant’s eyes. I have yet to work out how to display these images, I’m thinking along the lines of staggering the photos so the fluoro lines connect.

Am I sucking the life out of this idea? Hmmmm… not sure… possibly. Time to wrap it up.

The photos here show some doodling with the flouro strips, trying to work out connections between the people, almost annotations.

It’s been kind of useful to look over some previous posts (2 and 3) because I can see the work from a different angle, I get to see what works and doesn’t.

Is there a point when a project gets too caught up in itself? Must be when it gets stale. I’m aiming to find what it was the excited me initially about The Meeting to get it back on track.