Some good advice
I’ve just received some pertinent but very useful advice. (Thanks Ken). It takes someone else to point out what’s under your nose.
In a nutshell: stop fannying around. I’m wasting time working on too many ideas at once, life’s too short, they all sound great but really alot of them just don’t have the legs.
I am open to advice and in this instance I will take it. It would be easy to spend all my time playing around with this and that but it’s not going to get me anywhere. Not that I will cease to experiment or create. No, I will manage my time effectively and organise projects in a hierarchical order of priority. I’m presuming that’s what everyone else does.
It’s in my nature to flit from one idea to another but essentially this is how I keep creative. This will be an opportunity to become super organised. Wish me luck. Tomorrow will be great, I have an entire day to get on with what I need to do.
2012 brings with it a studio space super spring clean. Let’s hope all is not in vain as the Mayans have predicted.