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tape drawings

I’ve found a way to engage with drawing that seems to make sense; to use objects as part of the drawing. They need to be part of it somehow.

I bought some second hand tape cassettes then took them to pieces, I was intrigued at all the parts that make the whole. Does anyone use cassettes anymore? Surely they will be antiques sometime soon? While I was taking them apart and drawing them I wondered if this was all they were good for now, documenting their existence.

Using the object as part of the drawing makes it a documentative process. Here is the physicality of the object, buttressed with a pen.

I traced around the parts, drew over the tape and these images are of some drawings made with one of the tiny reels.

Similar to how you would use a Spirograph, I placed the reel onto the paper and attempted to draw the inside of the reel but without any anchorage so the pen chased the reel all over the page. It was frustrating, pointless and futile. Good. There is only an implied restriction.

I’m using A4 yellow lined notepaper. I think it’s memo paper. Maybe I use it because it’s already marked, white cartridge seems too formal.

These are preliminaries: I fight the temptation to try this process with different paper or a larger size, – it is what it is, so it’s best to continue as is.