Earlier this month, I submitted an A-ha themed doodle I had hanging around for this exhibition in St. Louis, U.S. and it was exhibited on Sunday 11th July:

http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=4 … 485&ref=mf

My work is at the bottom between elbows, not a very clear image. They even exhibited my envelope:

http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=4 … 485&ref=mf

In contrast, I also applied for another Open Show at a more local gallery. They were keen to take my £15 submission fee, but apparently my work wasn’t successful.

I’m not sure I agree with that judgement, especially when my work was exhibited, promoted for sale and is due to be published around now.

I feel that if my work wasn’t successful I should be entitled to a refund!! Since when did anyone have to pay for services not supplied? It’s the Natwest bank philosophy

Last Sunday was Lincoln Artist’s Market, for which we enjoyed some very lovely weather, however, we feel the location of the Artist’s Market is not the best place for selling work.

I’m interested how our Market contrasts with this: http://www.a-n.co.uk/interface/reviews/single/647595

I was also interested in encouraging artists to exhibit work whether or not it was for sale. But Lincoln BIG included in their remit that work must be for sale. However most artists taking part in the market are struggling to cover their costs, and this is putting them off.

If I were to apply the Natwest Bank philosophy, everyone that passed by our stall and didn’t buy anything would be subject to a £15 fee to cover our costs!

Other than that, I’ve submitted work for various competitions, exhibitions and opportunities and am now taking time out because it’s the Summer Holidays.

I’ve created myself a brand new studio downstairs – I’m moving out of the Corner Of My Bedroom – which is far too studenty for a graduate of two years, as is my current salary…..


Last week I avoided all football by going to Nottingham to see Beth Heaney’s work at Malt Cross gallery as part of the Synapse review.

I’m finding cafes in Nottingham more accommodating, and potentially a better context for an exhibition I wish to have in Nottingham in November for my own A-ha themed work. The timing and location of this are critical to its context, however, a contingency plan has been suggested – this would involve an additional trip to Norway, other than honouring the invitation to attend the Postmodern Conference in Oslo in October, for which I’m seeking and applying for funding.

I’m hoping I win one of the animation competitions I’ve entered; my animation has now been edited, tweaked and submitted for the Guggenheim Youtube channel, and I’ve submitted work for a variety of exhibitions, but I currently feel that sense of underachievement overwhelming me.

Fingers crossed some fantastic opportunity comes my way and I have some luck with something (for once!).

I feel that everyone is watching the World Cup, or Wimbledon, not interested in art, and this weekend is Waddington Airshow here in Lincoln.

For me, it’s time to escape the city and visit Mum again this weekend.

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