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Thursday’s first LAN/Onlincolnshire social media and digital arts workshop went very well indeed! Sarah and I arrived early to set up, and artists were so keen, they’d arrived early! And it was well attended – we had enough artists involved for a small group, and was well received.

I’d planned to do some live tweeting in the gallery space to make use of the recently addition of wi-fi, and it was slow starting. All details have been uploaded to the LAN blog

The workshops are popular and I’ve received interest from others, so I hope to extend some more if possible. I’ve also been invited to deliver some after school comics workshops coming up in May.

Looking forward to this weeks’ workshop, however, and I’ve come up with another idea for something that might become a collaborative project, but we’ll see how much time I have to make it worthwhile!

I don’t really want to create a new gallery, but I don’t seem to be able to insert individual images on here any more!