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I have now received information regarding my acceptance onto the plinth for Antony Gormley’s One And Other.

I’ve decided how best to use the time wisely. As well as promoting the Lincoln Artist’s Network, I also need to promote my own work, so I will be doing both!!

And LAN members are accompanying me for this PR event.

I have a meeting for the West End Gala this Thursday, which is an event designed to link undergraduates coming to Lincoln University for fresher’s week and residents of the West End of the city (of which I am one) within the local community.

I’m organising an LAN art event for this, which I’m hoping will be linked to the local primary school and Kids Club that my son attends, however, now I’m supposed to be in London for the 2nd October for One And Other, this could get tricky!

I have just under a month to pull something together for that!

In other news, we are definitely having a stall at Lincoln Christmas Market.

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