part 1
From my mostly supine vantage point I have a rather limited view of the world, and although I try to throw lassos around things/themes/issues outside myself with my art I feel like I’m doing it while teetering on a coin-sized island… Have been working towards a group-show under the title The Beginning of History, curated by Nick Kaplony – so good to be part of a project, but these last few weeks hands and head have been on diverging tracks: I’ve had reason to re-consider the horizontal plane, on which I mostly reside, in metaphorical and real terms. Fact is: Every time I get up I find that after brief lop-sided lean-to minutes I am pulled down by forces as unyielding as gravity. When I lie my body is happy-ish, something seems to re-align itself within, find a centre, a balance. My mind of course (my self?), when not completely overwhelmed by fatigue, strains towards the vertical and a phantasy of activity, agility, agency.
Almost two months ago I was diagnosed with Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), which in short means that my heart, for complicated reasons to do with the autonomous nervous system, is unable to pump blood upwards when I stand. Instead blood sags into the lower body, the heart gets in distress and tries to pump harder and harder and harder, without success. If you don’t sit or lie down you faint, and blood finally reaches the brain again.
The discomfort I have been feeling (on top of M.E.-fatigue) when trying to stand for more than a minute or so (tightening chest, racing heart, shortness of breath, vertigo, nausea) suddenly makes sense and I’m trying to get my head around this. Two illnesses for the price of one! The latter possibly brought about by the former. One good thing is that I can try medication, have started on a very low dose and am hopeful-ish, although I’ve got some weird side-effects already. You could say I’m lying in wait for improvement of some kind, no matter how small.