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The cat came as a tomato – Good book!

More details: http://www.southlondongallery.org/page/the-cat-cam…

The cat came as a tomato catalogues the South London Gallery’s three-year long programme Making Play. The programme, which revolved around six artists taking up residency in a former shop unit on the neighbouring Sceaux Gardens Estate, was an important part of the growth of the SLG’s education work in recent years. Funded by the Big Lottery’s Playful Ideas fund, Making Play is inspired by the possibilities of bringing together children’s play and contemporary art practice. The cat came as a tomato is a collection of essays, convocations and images contributed by artists, curators, young people and SLG staff who were involved with the project over the three years.

ISBN 978-1-898461-39-5, softback, 213 pages, 30 full colour plates, 55 duotone plates, published by the South London Gallery.