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A busy few weeks here at Spike Island, leading up to Open Studios – which open on Friday 29th April for the whole bank holiday weekend:-


Over the last month, Sam West has presented our research project both to Top Floor Studios and Director Helen Legg at Spike Island – and we’ve received full support from all parties so far.

This evening, Sam West also attended a talk by Marjolijn Dijkman on her collaborative exchange project, Enough Room for Space.


An inspirational overview, with similar (sustainable) aims that involve collaborating with institutions for support without becoming institutionalised. Almost mentioned as an aside in her talk (yet profoundly pertinent for this exchange) was a cautionary tale about how long it can be before residency schemes can take root. “It’s not always possible to do things that are concrete, and with definite outcomes..”

We shall take this with us on our journey!


So we have now booked travel tickets for the first research visit to Helsinki. This will take place from 12th-18th May. And Antti is contacting HIAP in Finland for any support-in-kind they may be able to offer us, before we go out there …