I’m in the process of redisigning my website, it looks really dated. I want to update it myself to have more control over it so I’ll leave the company that deals with it at the moment as they started charging me for evey update and find somebody to set up a new one for me.

I feel I’m in a transission period at the moment, an in-between project stage. I have proposed to take part in the Bank Street Member Show in August with two of my videos and will apply to be part of the next Prism Exhibition in the Millenium Galleries in Sheffield. For both I will need to polish existing works rather than making new work. The videos havn’t been shown before so it will be nice to see how they come across.

I’m re-reading Ann Hamilton and Josepy Beuys as well as trying to understand Speculative Realism. I find it hard at the moment to concentrate on one thing which is a bit unsettling.


Now I’ve got the ACE report finished and recieved my final lump of money and left my assessment/presentation for the MA behind me, I’m digesting the feedback I got from my tutors. It’s important now to think about where I am going with my work and reflect rather than diving into the next project as I would normally do. I will apply for the Bank Street Arts Member show though and hopefully I can show one of my videos that havn’t exhibited yet.

There seem to be overlaps between my recent work, Speculative Realism to what my friend Kate Pickering has introduced me and the feedback I got from my tutors. All that seems to point in the direction of a different criticality to do with the ralationship to space and materials. I’m trying to focus my reading towards what is relevant for my work.