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I am so aware of how little time I have left, and yet it seems to stretch out endlessly in front of me. I am compiling endless lists of things to do. They all go something like this;

Buy film

-Develop film

-Find out how to get large sheets of vinyl lettering

-Decide on wall colour for ‘gallery space’

-Work on sketchbook

-Finish sanding down wall

-Build website?

We have been given our degree show spaces. To say I was disappointed when I received mine was an understatement. It appeared to be a meeting place for corridors, and also in the middle of a fire escape route. I fumed about it to anyone who would listen for days, and finally managed to speak to my tutor who agreed it was awful. Not only would I not be able to put anything on the floor, despite having specified the presence of plinths, but there were five exits and entrances coming off the space, which would hardly make it the ‘self-contained’ space I had wanted.

After a weekend of waiting, I was informed that my space was a designated self-contained space, and that I could do whatever I wanted to it, which includes painting walls, and covering the floor. I am still highly dubious about this, and am just waiting to be told by the health and safety man, that I am causing a fire hazard. Sigh. If I wasn’t so aware of the fact the this blog is public, I would probably air more of my feeling on this subject. However, I am aware of the idea of compromise, and that fitting in 130 people for a degree show space is no easy task.