Hi Annabel,

I have searched everywhere for details of the “Grotto” that you describe. The only one I can fin is mentioned on an “enjoyengland” page and that grotto is in Margate. The page also has a text link to the Isle of Wight. Other than that I am at a loss.


Kevin Daniells


[email protected] wrote:

Attention: General Support
Message: Please can you tell me about the grotto wall in the Isle of Wight I am trying to find information about it. All the very best
Annabel Dover

Hi there,

I believe the Grotto Wall is all tied in with the Santa Express and Specials that they do at The Isle of Wight Steam Railway. The web link is as follows: //www.iw*steam**railway*.co.uk

If I can be of any further help, please contact me.

Kind regards,

Kevin Daniells

Dear Kevin

There is a wall that was made i think in the 1930s and has shells and bits of broken china ornaments and domestic tools. About three years ago i spoke to a man at the Isle of Wight Tourist Information and he told me where it was but now i have forgotten.

All the very best

Annabel Dover

Barabara Jones writes in Follies & Grottoes on the Isle of wight:

Incredibly little. Certainly the Island did not become fashionable until Queen Victoria built Osborne, but there were some big houses in the 18th century, and the chines could have sheltered plenty of conceits. There are obelisks at Appledurcombe and Bembridge, a castellated cowshed at Norris Castle, a swiss Cottage at Osborne and a tower to tennyson near farringford.

Blackgang Chine

The entertainments include:a skeleton of a whale, a gnome village and distorting mirrors.


Appley Tower on the sea wall. The gardens are noe municipal but when it was a private house King George and Queen Mary liked to have tea there.

St Catherine’s Down

A pillar most beautifully situated. There is a stone ball on top and the column is dark with moss. It commemorates the visit of the Czar to Britain: in 1857 another tablet was added to the allied dead of the Alma, inckerman and Sebastopol.


I just tried to ring my sister and as I put the telephone to my ear I heard the a deep Welsh man’s voice talking all I heard was: ‘No words found…’ terrified I put the telephone down and now I regret it.


” I am watching Roman Holiday and just saw the scene where Greg takes her to a wall that has plaques on it to commemorate wishes that have come true. Is this real place??”

Ginger Posts: 4869 | Location: Naples, Florida 02 May 2004

Mary Jane Vetralla, Italy
” This is the wall near Porta Portese where there are “ex votos” set in the wall to remember people who were killed during the WWII bombings. Not really wishes, sort of “RIP”.

“Ginger, we tried to find the Wall of Wishes, too but were unable to locate it or even determine if/when it did exist. Have you read my trip report about Roman Holiday? What a great movie!”

We also have a set of notes from Valerie on touring Rome to find several of the locations from the film.

Blog: Postcards from the Trail

“I googled it and some person who is a Roman Holiday devotee posted that part of the wall is on the Viale del Policlinico, southwest of the Villa Borgese. The plaques are no longer in place. How sad.”

Ginger Naples, Florida May 2004

“Here are shots of the “Wall of Wishes.” I’m satisfied that the stationary camera panned from 10-01-1 to 10-01-5. In other words, the street is as you see it, without any cutting in. Hope this helps locate this important location!

Paola and Diego have information on the best candidate for the Wall of Wishes…

“The plaques were real. The place is called “Mura Aureliane” (Aurelian Wall) and those plaques were “ex voto” , a term for a panel painting, usually small, or, more rarely, a statue, donated as a token of remembrance, entreaty or thanks by individual believers or communities and hung at sites of pilgrimage or holy places. Unfortunately those plaques have been removed many years ago.” From Love bunnies blogspot.


No, it is not true. A local man in Wells had some stalagmites (not stalagtites) cut from the floor – sawn off. Pope was presented with one by a “Mr Bruce”, but it is no longer in his Grotto as far as we know. There is no record that Pope ever visited Wookey, or Wells.

At 16:45 17/09/2009, you wrote:

Dear Mr Beckles Willson,
Please can you tell me is it true that the stalactite in Alexander Pope’s grotto was shot from the roof of Wookey Hole?
All the very best
Annabel Dover