Ctd from last post…
I am still watching the film: images of Hamburger puffing on a cigar, being served food by his wife Anne Beresford, filmed behind wobbly glass…I am also looking up angina on my phone-as my beloved has sent me a message that his mother is ill and in hospital-there are so many different types:
# Angina pectoris,
# Abdominal angina,
# Ludwig’s angina,
# Prinzmetal’s angina,
# Vincent’s angina,
# Angina tonsillaris,
I like the description of Dean’s ‘Michael Hamburger 2007
“As with the Linaean system Hamburger employs the basic principles of taxonomy or systems of classification as a means through which to bring order to the world. Yet his descriptions about where apples have come from and the careful cross-breeding, unlocks ideas of memory and history and becomes a metaphor for missing autobiographical detail”