[email protected] wrote:
Attention: General Support
Message: Please can you tell me about the grotto wall in the Isle of Wight I am trying to find information about it. All the very best
Annabel Dover
Hi there,
I believe the Grotto Wall is all tied in with the Santa Express and Specials that they do at The Isle of Wight Steam Railway. The web link is as follows: //www.iw*steam**railway*.co.uk
If I can be of any further help, please contact me.
Kind regards,
Kevin Daniells
Dear Kevin
There is a wall that was made i think in the 1930s and has shells and bits of broken china ornaments and domestic tools. About three years ago i spoke to a man at the Isle of Wight Tourist Information and he told me where it was but now i have forgotten.
All the very best
Annabel Dover
Barabara Jones writes in Follies & Grottoes on the Isle of wight:
Incredibly little. Certainly the Island did not become fashionable until Queen Victoria built Osborne, but there were some big houses in the 18th century, and the chines could have sheltered plenty of conceits. There are obelisks at Appledurcombe and Bembridge, a castellated cowshed at Norris Castle, a swiss Cottage at Osborne and a tower to tennyson near farringford.
Blackgang Chine
The entertainments include:a skeleton of a whale, a gnome village and distorting mirrors.
Appley Tower on the sea wall. The gardens are noe municipal but when it was a private house King George and Queen Mary liked to have tea there.
St Catherine’s Down
A pillar most beautifully situated. There is a stone ball on top and the column is dark with moss. It commemorates the visit of the Czar to Britain: in 1857 another tablet was added to the allied dead of the Alma, inckerman and Sebastopol.