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Another element of research finds its beginnings in the make-up of Leeds’ new city museum that opened in 2008. Upon making friends with an assistant who worked there I managed to locate and attain a number of wooden panels that had some sort of use or pre-function: some sort of history that is unknown to me.

The strange thing is that they have perfect circular holes cut in them, the same point on each one.

I have begun to construct some sort of language with these boards: but they need a place to temporarily re-establish themselves….

Masking tape seems to be playing a part again, as some of them hang in my studio, left for days a then a little more is teased out of them

I’ve had them since April 2009: I wonder where they will end up.

The above text was written some time ago, and since I have returned to Leeds and the site (from its exterior). I began to make something of photographing elements of the architecture with the hope of correlating what I framed with my camera, with the found material that is the boards. What struck me were the signifying holes in the middle and how such signification can be translated and used as a way of relating the two types of imagery…

This will hopefully develop in to some kind of object-based installation.


I have been consorting with the idea of how labels for a work can also be works in themselves: and how such works get to forward and re-locate an idea past its presented state – a visual definition is aided by a textual pre-disposition. What I am interested in doing is turning this on its head and playing within the paradigm of text as a visual area to express fictions from actuality. The labels go back to the source of how a work is made – but does the source have to be reflected in the title, or is the title in this respect the end result rather than a beginning?

Four films have been made from a direct resource: The Henry Moore Institute (HMI) acted as a resource and the architecture it inhabits lends itself to its very function as a research institute as well as a publicly-accessible space. I took to finding and bringing visual communicated, by-way-of recording spaces, pockets of the building that are essential for its academic as well as every-day running. These was an investigative process and the end result may indeed be the labels that I here present with this particular post in this particular blog. The text in the labels goes beyond – to make congruence between the environments through text and explanation.

The labels are then taken further as they are re-interpreted as physical grounds on which new drawings and trajectories are made. Upon one of the labels, which acts as a form of telling how the rendered films and other labels returned to the original site (74, LS1 3AH – which refers only to the address as a building, not an actual named institution – there is a certain anonymity about this).