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The presentation reflects the studio?

The acquisition of a space to make the film [in mind of how this space is to be re-construction in presentation].

Does the arena in which the film is made have to reflect the very arena that the film is then to be displayed? Or does all of the changeability in perspective etc. happen within the digital editing of the film. In other words does the camera [that which films] be inversely proportional in angle to which the projector is pointed? Or, does the camera face the tape head on, and then does the digital editing account for the changing in perspective?

[within the filming process there needs to be a delicate handling of the tape in order for there to be a smooth unwinding of the tape – this smooth unwinding will also be slowed down within the actual edit of the film as a whole]

previous and simpler films have been made [see images]. Confronting different coloured backgrounds, a difference in background colour may be used in the film other than white… In the previously made films there is an intervention of the hand [that of the artist/the maker/the doer]; however in the new film that is to be made, no hand will be present. Another device will therefore have to be crafted in order to unwind the tape, to give the illusion that it is unwinding itself….