I came up with the title: ‘Ars Automata’ which I think works on many different levels. It was a totally unconscious intuitive title. That’s the 95% of my brain working without my knowledge and it’s much smarter than conscious me. Automata is defined as a moving mechanical device made in imitation of a human being…or a machine which performs a range of functions according to a predetermined set of coded instructions.

How much do we surrender our human selves to this definition of the artificial? Even thought process?

ARS has quite a few meanings, one of which is short for Age, Race and Sexuality…




So here I am sitting in Starbucks, No idea how to get written work done. This is the best solution I have come up with in the new year. I can’t work from home because there are too many distractions. The studio is just cold enough to facilitate the making of artwork but far too cold to sit still. So I’m in search of an office, from whence I can type without being exposed to the perils of arthritis…hopefully. Today I’m trying out the fabled Starbucks, bourgeoisie, wifi lifestyle. I could probably pass for one of them if I wasn’t attired in my functional work clothes. They may just believe me to be a farmer.